“I have known Oscar Molina for some years now

and although our immigrant experiences differ in many ways, they also share commonality. The feeling of being “other” and finding ways to belong in a new land without completely subjugating one’s own native identity is a challenge that Oscar faces head on in his work. His “Children of the World” series is a deep expression of his desire to eradicate this feeling of otherness – to exist in a world without judgment. The series stirs feelings of connection as they are compositions of groups of figures – these figures must stay close to one another, must protect one another from the unknown just as strangers in a strange land must hold fast to the familiar — their families, their language, their traditions…” Matko Tomicic, Art Consultant

Artist Statement

Politics, culture and identity – how they intersect and interact with one another is what intrigues me, this is what my art explores. I immigrated to the US from El Salvador yet, for me, a border is nothing more than a concept. So, I paint and sculpt as a way of building bridges across borders, borders that nations create and impose upon us. At the same time, my work opens space for viewers to tap into their own feelings about and interpretations of the work.

I offer my art as a social practice, as an invitation to a much-needed conversation amongst diverse cultures. I believe that this exchange is the key to the preservation and evolution of our traditions – and it is this exchange that enriches each one of us and, as a result, our communities as a whole.